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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I read an interesting article on the CNN website by Lou Dobbs, Personally I’m not a huge fan of the man but he does bring up and interesting point about the public school system and possible reform. What a big topic, and to being with I’ll tell you straight out right that I am a biased party. I home schooled high school, and absolutely hated my middle school career.

Now some facts that Dobbs makes known which I had been paying attention to for some time are the facts that our government puts a lot of faith into the bipartisan effort no child left behind, which is inept at best. Also the fact that one of our promises by bush before being put into office was that he would have a certified teacher in every core class room in America by 2006, well what do you know its 06 isn’t it? Guess how many states passed that requirement? 0, none, no state in the union has actually met that requirement. I am really starting to like the idea of referring to this as the shrub administration, ineptitude abounds.

Lets look at some things real quick; Most of the prison population in America is at best a high school graduate. Yet we spend more and more money on prison systems in America. Which area of our budget do you thinks suffers when we have Military considerations because of the continuing action in Afghanistan (Yes we are still active in that region, why, because we haven’t caught Osama) and our war effort in Iraq, with no end in sight. Our public school system looses funding because of these things, instead of spending more money on public schools in order to get more people graduating and more people into college. The current government feels its more pressing to fund war efforts and penitentiaries to hold minor drug offenders. The more educated a person is the less likely they are to commit crimes in an effort of personal gain.

These are personal views about the public school system, if you think my view is skewed or want to bring up some new statistics feel free, but find them yourself. Then we can have a nice time of me finding my statistics and arguing till we’re blue in the face because our statistics from two different sources don’t match up (I wonder why).

On an off note, got my voter registration card off in the mail today, and have my birthday coming up in just a couple days. I need to start reading up on current officials running for office in the Houston area, doesn’t that sound like fun.

Oh a website I recommend you visit, The New American Century, basically this website was started for the betterment of the world with the united states at the helm of world political reform, because we have a duty as the last world power to help usher all the other nations into the century with democracy at its fore front. A quote of the front page of the website reads,

The Project for the New American Century is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: that American leadership is good both for America and for the world; and that such leadership requires military strength, diplomatic energy and commitment to moral principle.

I think its kind of haughty of America to think that our leadership is the correct leadership not only for ourselves but also for the rest of the world don’t you? Sounds kind of like a world domination plan to me. Why is it that we feel we have the best moral standing? This website drives me crazy. Within their statement of principles are the names of people that supported the idea of this non-profit such as, Elliott Abrams, Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Steve Forbes, Donald Rumsfeld, and many more. It kind of scares me that officials within our government and very influential people believe that we should control the world through democracy; I mean come on, what happened to allowing other nations their own form of government as long as it was fair and didn’t hurt us in any way.

So complain about my views a little, give me some comments so I can think of new stuff to rant and rave about. I guess I’ll have to get to immigration soon, maybe touch on Fossil fuels and alternatives, and why our government isn’t pushing for more research.


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