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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Sorry for the long wait on a new post, lots of work going on around here getting ready for New Mexico, and some fun drama, which is all my fault. Anyway, I went over to the theater yesterday, saw a film called District B-13. Great movie, it’s a French action, political commentary, Subtitled. The thing that hit me about this movie was that it was an awesome action movie, which is always a fun thing to go see. I personally go to movies to think most of the time, I like dramas that make you think about whats going on. This movie delievered on both counts, it was a well planned action movie and a great story that makes you think. It involves a lot of commentary on the current political and racial systems in France, this is just what I noticed with the little that I know about that countries political structure at the moment. Anyway, plug for a good foreign movie, recommend you go check it out.

So an issue that I’ve wanted to get to lately that is up front in the news a lot is immigration. Wow what a topic, basically if you have been living in a cave for the past how ever long there are currently bills in front of the senate and house discussing the possibility of making it a felony to be here illegally…lets think about that, while our prison system is over booked with minor drug offenders and over 60% of all people currently in the system are there for doing things to themselves. Lets throw more people in jail. Not to mention the act of aiding an illegal immigrant, such as giving food, money, or housing, would also be a crime. In addition to the idea that employing an illegal would be a crime…

Now for people that think they are a waste on the economy. Lets look at some facts, 1. big business pays more out for the money they cant claim as payment to illegal employees than if the illegals were paying to begin with. 2. Most of these people make minimum wage if that, If you make less than 6K a year *which some might im not sure personally*. 3. If you make under 20 grand a year, the amount you pay in taxes does just about squat shit for the government, a toilet in Afghanistan is about all you get. So a company paying taxes on the money they should be paying out nets the US government more money than if these guys were legal and paying on their own.

For those of you that love the fight about loosing jobs to them: Why the fuck would we outsource all of our tech jobs if we needed jobs in the states, why make it illegal for people to come into our country when we could make it illegal for businesses to outsource to India for friggin 20 cents a day.

What I would like to see is open borders with everyone, if you have papers and aren’t a criminal then you can come into our country, you can hold a job, even eat food *gasp*. If you want to participate in our government, then become a citizen. Wait wait, what I’m saying is blasphemy… we can’t handle the load that would cause with people bum rushing America from the south. How many people go through airports each day? Millions? Tens of millions? You’re saying that we cant handle boarder check points with maybe, maybe a million people crossing a day? *absolute worst case scenario*.

Why the hell can the boarder with Canada be completely open? One of the arguments is that terrorists will come from mexico, get on a fucking bass boat, cross a lake, get in a car. That’s how hard it is to get into the us illegally from Canada. Wait wait, Canadians don’t want to come to the US… I wonder why.


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